
Hl servicecenter
Hl servicecenter

hl servicecenter

The remaining mostly regulated energy delivery company adopted the name CenterPoint Energy to reflect our role in the center of the energy value chain and the center of our customers' lives. Within two years, the company would also sell its electric generation assets. ​With the restructuring of the electric market in Texas, the company spun off its retail electric as Reliant Resources. ​The company was named Reliant Energy, Inc. ​NorAm merged with Houston Industries, Inc., the parent company of HL&P to become one of the United States' largest integrated energy companies. NorAm Energy Management was established for retail energy marketing and NorAm gas gathering assets were unbundled and transferred to NorAm Field Services. ​NorAm Energy Services began marketing wholesale electric power nationwide. ​These three businesses merged to form a company that became NorAm Energy Corp. ​An organization of businessmen was granted the first franchise for distribution of natural gas in Shreveport, La. Over the next century, HL&P generated​ electricity from steam, natural gas, coal or lignite and finally nuclear fission for sale and delivery to retail customers in the rapidly growing greater Houston area.​ ​Houston Electric Light & Power filed a charter and was granted a franchise by the Houston City Council. a franchise to provide gas service with gas manufactured from coal or oil at a plant along the Mississippi River. ​The city of Minneapolis granted the newly formed Minneapolis Gas Light Co. ​Houston Gas Lig​ht Company was organized to supply gas made from oyster shells and coal for the street lights in a co​​astal village in southeast Texas. With more than 14,000 employees, CenterPoint Energy and its predecessor companies have been in business for more than 140 years.​

Hl servicecenter